Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Downloading Files

You can download from the Document Explorer to your local machine.


  1. In the Document Explorer, navigate to and select the file you want to download.
  2. Click the Download File button. A Save As window is displayed.
  3. Navigate to the directory on your local machine in which you want to save the file.
  4. Enter a name for the file in the File name field.
  5. Click Save. When the download has completed, an Export Complete message is displayed.
  6. Click OK to proceed. The document is now available in the specified location on your local machine.


When upgrading to a new version of Campaign Manager , all documents in the system are automatically upgraded as well. Importing a document file that was created in a previous version will mean that it is not compatible with the current version and you will not be able to view or edit it.

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